Billing Terms & Conditions
To give you the best and most secure purchasing experience possible, The Whole Reason employs Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information such as passwords and credit card information. Your personal information is kept safe and secure by using SSL technology for every interaction you make on our online store.
American Express
Diners Club
Shop Pay:
Shop Pay
Shop Pay Installments
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Amazon Pay
We have the right to make changes to this payment policy at any time, please revisit this payment policy page for the latest payment options. We'll update this page with the new information if we update our payment policy. We will also notify via newsletter if anything in our payment policy changes.
- Billing settings for auto-charging subscriptions:
When you subscribe to our product(s) for automatic repeated deliveries, your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these deliveries at an interval selected by you during the time of setting up your subscription, unless you choose to pay in advance.
If a billing attempt fails, we will retry billing after one day of previous billing attempt, for maximum of 3 billing attempts. After 3 failed billing attempts, your subscription will be canceled and your delivery will be forfeited.
If you need to get in touch with us, please fill out this form for fastest response or email us at